Chameleon Lectra

Chameleon Lectra - Zone 2: PMusic
Chamleon Lectra
PMusic Resources: Links and Reading List


Algorithmic Music

Aleatoric Music (at

Ears: ElectroAcoustic Resource Site on Generative Music

Free Music Machine (1948): Burnett Cross and Percy Grainger

Generative Art and Music: Spontaneous Thoughts on Automatic Art by Greg Jalbert

Introduction to The Music of John Cage by James Pritchett

Raymond Scott's Electronium

Synthzone: Computer Generated Music Sites


Whi Music links

Wikipedia def.

Wolfram Tones

[Wild Card]


Altman, Rick, (1992), Sound Theory, Sound Practice, Routledge
Arts Council [authors unspecified], (1986), Eye Music: The Graphic Art of New Musical Notation, Arts Council Publication
Attali, Jacques, trans., Brian Massumi, (1985), Noise: The Political Economy of Music, Manchester University Press
Barthes, Roland, trans. by Stephen Heath, (1984), Image/Music/Text, Fontana Press
Cage, John, (1987), Silence, Marion Boyars
Chanan, Michael, (1995), Repeated Takes: A Short History of Recording and its Effects on Music, Verso
Chatwin, Bruce, (1988), The Songlines, Picador
Dearling, Celia and Robert, with Brian Rust, (1984), The Guiness Book of Recorded Sound, Guiness Books
Deliège, Célestin, (1976), Pierre Boulez: Conversations with Célestin Deliège, Eulenburg Books
Gould, Glenn, ed. Tim Page, (1987), The Glenn Gould Reader, Faber and Faber
Hendricks, Jon, (1988), Fluxus Codex, Harry N. Abrams
James, Jamie, (1995), The Music Of The Spheres, Abacus
Jennings, Humphrey, (1995), Pandaemonium: The Coming Of The Machine As Seen By Contemporary Observers, Papermac
Kostelanetz, Richard, (1989), Conversing With Cage, Omnibus Press
Lanza, Joseph, (1994), Elevator Music: A Surreal History Of Muzak, Easy Listening And Other Moodsong, Quartet Books
Levitin, Daniel, (2006), This Is Your Brain On Music, Atlantic Books, London
Nattiez, Jean-Jacques, trans. by C. Abbate, (1990), Music and Discourse: Toward a Semiology of Music, Princeton University Press
Nyman, Michael, (1999), Experimental Music: Cage and Beyond, Cambridge University Press, London
Ono, Yoko, (1970), Grapefruit, Peter Owen Ltd.
Rothenberg, David, (2005), Why Birds Sing, Basic Books
Storr, Anthony, (1992), Music and the Mind, HarperCollins
Wishart, Trevor, (1985), On Sonic Art, Imagineering Press

PMusic: parallel music
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