Chameleon Lectra

Chameleon Lectra - Zone 2: PMusic
Chamleon Lectra
open compositions logo PMusic - Consemble: B
brief & information
Consemble: B licence
Consemble: B
trawl 1
trawl 2
trawl 3
Above are three 'trawls' (RMusic versions) for you to hear from this indeterminate work.
Theme: Dusk
Son type: around evening

 Licence: Open from 14th July 2007 until 31st Aug 2008

 The brief:
Imagine you have been given a small, lightweight camera and asked to make a quick documentation of your environment - now re-imagine, instead of a camera, you have a sound recorder. Where do you go?

Around about evening - a time of day or a particular 'feel'?

Sounds pooled include: liquid swamp keyboards, birdlights, a fly drumming in a lampshade, deep percussion, electronic parseltongue, a crepuscular acoustic guitar, minimal impressionistic piano, mailed australian fauna and scale tones...

 Son number: 58

PR; Saul Mapray; Martin (from Headphonica); Jockel Liess; Renzo Filinich; Val Bogan; Geoff Stocker; David Dellafiora; Sue Hartigan; Kevin Harper

This Consemble is now closed for contribution but open for listening

© Paul Ramsay
this work is issued under creative commons licence CC BY-SA 4.0 CClicence

As this
Consemble B label
Consemble is an Open Compositions project
PMusic: parallel music
CL logo
© Chameleon Lectra 2021